Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Hockey Dad | Interview

Hockey Dad are an Australian surf rock two piece made up of Zach Stephenson and Billy Flemming, who might I add, are two of the nicest and coolest dudes i've had the pleasure of meeting!

I caught up with Hockey Dad when they toured the UK earlier in the year, now the printed issue is out which includes the interview, thought I'd put it on the blog for those who haven't bought a copy! 

How are you finding the UK so far?

Billy: Yeah good! We’ve only been here for 2 days so far. I’m still trying to get through jet lag I think, I keep hitting waves… it takes me so long, hopefully after tonight I’ll be a little bit better

My first question is more of a personal curiosity one, I saw Bleeding Knee’s Club’s Alex Wall posting about an anti shoey policy at their gigs. But what’s shoey-ing? I’m guessing it’s an Australian thing?

Zach: I’m all for the anti shoey policy

But what’s a shoey I have no clue!

Billy: A shoey is when you drink a beer out of a shoe

Zach: Yeah you take your shoe off and poor your beer into your shoe, or whatever you’re drinking, it’s a horrible idea

Do people do that often?

Zach: People do that a lot

Billy: A lot!

Zach: In Australia it happens a fair bit, we’re against it now, it hurt us one too many times

Billy: Well that’s on behalf of Zach, he ropes me into doing it. You did a Champaign shoey once which was pretty sick

Zach: Classy

Billy: But yeah so anti-shoey is just having a stand against doing it and just having a beer out of a can instead of a shoe

Do you have a favourite song off the album?

Zach: Ahhh, what’s on the album again?

Billy: I’m just trying to think! … I feel like Homely Feeling, only because we wrote that in not even a day, well the foundation of it

Zach: I would say my favourite is Danny maybe

Billy: Yeah Danny’s cool
Zach: But I don’t know, any of them

Billy: It’s like having twenty kids, you don’t want to single out one

Zach: We love them all equally

What about to play live?

Zach: I like playing Danny live, because it’s slower

Billy: And we do a bit of a beef up towards the end as well

Zach: Yeah! That’s a fun one to play live, probably that one

Billy: Yeah that’s good. Or I like the roll in Join The Club, playing drums

Zach: Yeah that’s been fun to play. I like playing My Stride as well, different tuning, that’s fun

I read that you wrote a lot of the album on the road, do you think that had a big impact on the album?

Zach: We didn’t write most of it on the road

Did you not? I’ve read false facts

Zach: Yeah false facts! I think maybe two songs? I wrote one of them in London, two years ago

Billy: Yeah that was Disappointing Me

Zach: I don’t think I wrote any others on the road

I’m reading false interviews

Billy: Unless you were pissed! “I write them on the road” … you might get like a spurring idea though, when you’re away. And then take that home

Zach: Yeah we finish it at home, it’s much easier

Following on from what I read, I read that you wrote a lot of this album separately and then brought it together afterwards, is that true?

Billy: Yeah yeah! I think Zach’s recently got a mini, somewhat studio, in his room now so whenever he gets an idea he starts brewing up that idea and

Zach: I’ll put fake drums and everything on it, just so we have a whole song, and then I’ll send it to Billy, like this is an idea for a song and then we’ll come together and do it properly

Billy: But if we start playing it and it just didn’t feel right or whatever

Zach: Yeah then we’ll change it up or whatever! But a lot of our songs still come together from just playing them

Where did you draw a lot of the lyrical inspiration from for this album?

Zach: Mostly just from experiences from the past two or three years…a lot of it is just made up shit. But yeah a lot of it was just stuff I was thinking about on the road or at home…whatever was happening in our lives is pretty much what we wrote about

Billy: I think it’s just being away for nine months of the year pretty much, I think it was just brewed up from that essentially, but yeah…still living it now. I mean we’ve been home for like a couple of weeks this year, it’s pretty crazy

You’ve got the US after the UK and Europe, is there anywhere in particular you’re excited to play there?

Billy: I’m kind of excited to… Texas is always fun

Zach: Yeah I like Texas

Billy: Pretty funny… I think there’s a couple of places we haven’t hit before, so those ones!

Zach: Yeah, a new venue or a cool place

Billy: Salt Lake City is pretty sick though

Zach: Yeah Salt City is always fun to play in

Billy: There’s this one crazy little venue, it’s like as big as this room, not even, it’s insane

Do you still like playing the smaller venues as well as the massive ones you’d play back home?

Billy: Oh yeah!

Zach: It’s a whole different type of show

Billy: It’s back to the roots of like, how we started, just playing in sheds. Cramming as many people into one spot, it’s good

How much influence would you say you take from the music you listen to?

Zach: I guess all of it

Billy: I guess over the years we’ve listened to so much, so we pick bits, our highlights, of every genre we like and we just somehow morph that into what we’re into so… yeah I guess we owe it to pretty much every musician we listen to

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Billy: We’ve been listening to Johnny Paycheck haha, erm who else?

Zach: Hank Williams

Billy: Zach’s been on a big crazy country stick, oh yeah White Reaper

Zach: Vundabar, saw them last night

Billy: Twin Peaks, we listen to heaps… Yeah I don’t know. But then we’ll listen to Patsy Cline as well, and then Parkway and Architects

They were the first bands I ever saw live Parkway Drive and Architects

Billy: Yeah, that was my first gig as well! Crazy! But yeah we listen to so much so I guess it helps us pick it apart, yeah it’s good!

You guys are really into Twin Peaks aren’t you, what’s your favourite record?

Billy: Phoar! That’s tough. I’ve been loving the singles that they did last year, just that whole sweet 17 singles

Zach: Yeah they were good

Billy: But yeah as a record… I guess…

Zach: This is a really hard question

I can never decide so I thought I’d ask your opinion

Zach: It’s between Wild Onion and Down In Heaven. They’re both great in different ways so let’s just call it a tie

Billy: Tough question, real tough. Those singles though were sick, a little bit softer but so fucking good

The first full song I learnt on guitar was a Twin Peaks track

Zach: Which one?

Wanted You!

Billy: Oh yeah, fucking hell that’s sick

Zach: That’s one of my favourite Twin Peaks songs!

What are you planning for after tour?

Zach: Probably another tour.

Billy: When we get back from the states we’ve got a festival back come Splender In The Park, so that’ll be at the end of July, but we get back early July… so I might go up for a surf trip. I was gonna just pack the car and go

Zach: I don’t know what I’m going to do, probably play Xbox and do nothing

Billy: Yeah we generally just stay at home and sleep, but if there’s waves I might go somewhere, because the festival is up the coast 10 hours so we might just crawl our way up, we’ll see how we go

So you guys have known each other from a really young age right?

Billy: Far too long haha

When you first decided to learn instruments did you do that together or did one of you decide to play first?

Zach: I started playing guitar and then about a year, maybe less than a year, later, you (Billy) started playing guitar as well. We both played guitar for a little bit and then we started a band, playing around at my house with another friend of ours, he played guitar as well but was like ‘well I’ll just play bass’ and then Billy got stuck on drums and he’d never really played that much. And we started playing together more.

Billy: Yeah I got stitched up

Zach: The music wasn’t really together but the learning of how to be in a band was definitely good

Billy: Technically the learning of drums was together, I had to learn drums by playing in the band, I didn’t learn drums any other way, so yeah. Me and Zach have been playing like eight years together? But that’s in-between every other band we’ve done, a couple of funny ones, heaps of dumb bands… this is a dumb band that’s somehow worked

So you recorded this album in Seattle, what was it like recorded in the same studio Nirvana had recorded their final album in?

Billy: Pretty overwhelming! We didn’t really know the studio prior, all we knew is was that it was haunted so we went in there thinking ‘fuck its gonna be pretty scary’ or whatever. But once we figured out who Robert Lang was and the whole legacy of the place we were like tripping. And then we watched the fooey’s doco and it was pretty funny

Zach: That sonic highway, that was awesome, so after that we were super excited

Billy: It was already pretty cool, weird and scary but then we were like ‘shit it’s actually a legit place’ it was sick

What made you decide to record in the states rather than back home?

Zach: I don’t know, we’d done the EP and the first record at home and we were super happy with both of those but we wanted to try something else. And our manager Dan found this guy and he’d done some stuff that we liked before so we were like alright lets do it. And he was like ‘come over here to record’ and that was more…

Billy: Incentive! Because we were going to be in the states anyway on tour so it kind of made sense, rather than flying him somewhere or whatever, so it worked out well. And he lives in Seattle so we luckily ended up there

Interview & photography by Holly Beson-Tams

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