This particular song appears to be focused on the lyrics, this could be the reason for their style choice the song would categorise into. Nevertheless, you can still hear the powerful voice of Matt Grocott throughout the song. The lyrics appear as very striking with a hint of youth rebellion. This can be illustrated from the repeated lyric which reads “I don’t want to die too soon, this dream won’t let me fly”, yet imagery of driving in a car are present within the song, as Grocott references to a car breaking down. This appears metaphorical to the idea that if something in your life breaks down it could affect your entire future. However, he doesn’t want to “die too soon” therefore the only solution is to carry on with the journey to achieve his goal/dream.
Many bands have their influences and similarities too, especially new upcoming bands such as The Shrives. You can still hear within the Ballard rock song the influence of Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong, as he helped produce their music in the past, moreover The Shrives have bagged themselves multiple gigs and chance of promoting themselves on tour with SWMRS an American punk-rock band.
Although, Crash Me is quite a contrast to other tracks such as Turn Me On and Madnight their original fast, hyperactive music will hopefully be on its way. Crash Me is a prime example of a hybrid music genre based band, who can create any music they want or feel. So, if you’re sick of all the controversy with Arctic Monkeys latest album, perhaps give The Shrives a listen to take your mind off the “drama”, who knows you might love it?
Review by Emily Richardson
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