Saturday, 15 April 2017

The Regime | 'She sees me' | EP Review

The Regime are a new indie rock band that started up in York. The four piece is made up of Will Brooke (lead vocals and guitar), Tim Erimhan (lead guitar), Luke Binstead (drums) and Zak Lonsdale (bass guitar). I've seen these guys play a few times across this year and each time they've gotten more confident and even better on stage. They put on a great show every time. I worked with them on a band photoshoot awhile back and have been a big fan of theirs ever since, so I'm super excited to finally have some recorded tracks to enjoy! 

She sees me immediately grabs you with its layering off guitars and Luke's fast drumming, the two guitars have completely different sounds that compliment each other perfectly for this indie punk track. Will has unique vocals which gives the band an early 90's alternative/punk/indie rock feel. His lyrics are clear and catchy and give the song a grungy sound, certain lines stick out making this song a memorable one, his deliverance of "on the radio" is super satisfying. The track has a fast pace that's perfect for some heavy dancing and head banging, She sees me holds subtle elements of 90's skate thrash bands (such as AFI and Bodyjar) this is through the fast rhythm of the guitars. To sum it up the song is a perfect blend of genres which creates a fast, fun indie grunge song.

The second track on the EP is Let it out. The song starts with a melodic guitar riff which is joined by  the drums until the song fully kicks in. The first verse is a chilled out indie rock song which builds up to the chorus. The chorus itself is short and sweet, like their live performances this song really portrays the early 90s indie grunge vibes they give on stage. The Regime have a similar sound to The Cribs and other bands of the decade. Overall the song is three minutes of bliss indie rock.

Check it out here: 

Review and photography by Holly Beson-Tams

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