Thursday, 22 December 2016

Young Bulls // Sheffield // 1.12.16

Young Bulls // Sheffield // 1.12.15

Instagram @youngbullsband
Facebook: Young Bulls

      The banter about me being their #1 fan ended as I upgraded to photographing them, a new joke emerged “Well our only fan is now part of the team so we’re back to no fans.”. I got to spend the day with Ben Kitching (drums and vocals) and Joe Cary (guitar and vocals) watching them rehearse and chill until driving up to Sheffield for a gig. I first saw Young Bulls at Dusk a few months ago, I was downstairs at the bar when they started playing, when I was walking up the stairs it sounded like a full band, I was shocked when I walked in and realised they were a two piece. But I completely fell in love with them that day. They have a great sound that you just don’t hear often enough anymore. They bring that underground edge back into rock. They play heavy and they rehearse just as heavy. I’m surprised I didn’t go deaf sat in the small rehearsal room.

     “Nobody does it for the love of music, if they did no one would charge for tickets.” – Cary.


 “I don’t think there is any good part to being a musician. It’s ridiculously stressful and unless you’re successful you’re looked down upon.” – Cary.

       The band is currently recording their B-Side, I asked them why they’re recording their B-Side first. “Because we’re edgy” was thrown as the first answer, always sarcasm before seriousness with these two. Until Joe gave a more honest answer “I don’t have the mental ability to write an A-side. I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing music.” This seemed pretty understandable

      “And this is why he plays drums, not because he’s good at drums but because he can’t play guitar.”  -Yet again Cary shredding Ben.


      After rehearsing for a few hours we attempted to sit down and see what a serious interview would be like. It did not last long.
    I asked them if they had to pick, what would they say their top five influences would be.
Joes immediate answer was Jeff Buckley, with a bit of thinking we arrived to number two: John Frusciante.
“What about you Ben?”
“This is the part where I reply ‘Am I supposed to know drums’”. But with a bit of thinking he arrived on Jack White which took longer than it should considering they have a picture of him next to the drum kit.
I had to push a bit to get a third. “If I’m generally honest Danny Worsnop. How many more do we have to go?” asked Joe.
“Two considering you asked me to put Ben’s answer in brackets.”
“Oh fuck.”
It took a while but eventually another name was thrown out there by Joe which was Jay Buchanan. Whilst he was thinking I asked if Wolf Alice was an influence, knowing the two are fans, plus the fact they cover Giant Peach from time to time. “All ideas we’ve had influenced by Wolf Alice have gone out the window, we just enjoy listening to them.” Replied Ben.

      “We’re just fuelled by coffee, hatred and cigarettes.” Joked Joe, which wasn’t much of a joke as it pretty much hit the nail on the head. “Ben’s fucked in the head and I’m just full of myself.” The two started talking about old memories and the summer they formed the band. “I started smoking heavily when we formed the band a few summers ago” This was in reference to how he deals with Ben. Which seemed fair enough.

      On the bus to their home town with Ben, we discussed local bands and the York music scene. Ben spoke about some of their plans. The two want to find more bands with a good sound that they can help out, and hopefully get help back from. They’re hoping that by asking bands to support them they would receive the same treatment back and everyone would be helping to push each other.

      As much as Joe will hate me writing this and ruining his rep, they’re two really nice dudes that deserve to go far. They work hard when it comes to the band and you can see that clearly. They’re insanely talented and they have a great sound and put on a brilliant show. Basically just go see Young Bulls if they play near you because you won’t regret it. 

Upcoming gigs: 

  • 30.12.16 - Verve Bar - Leeds
  • 19.2.17 - West Street Live - Sheffield 
  • 23.2.17 - Parish - Huddersfield

To view more photos of Young Bulls visit my Facebook page: Holly Elizabeth Photography but here is a few from the gig. Also check out my Instagram @hollyelizabethphotos

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